Below is a basic example for querying and updating Rally objects using Rally’s “rally_api” Ruby API.
Changes you will need to make:
– set your Rally username & password
– project name & IDs. Set them to names/IDs that match yours
– defect – use one of your defect numbers
Rally’s “rally_api” can be found here:
Ruby Toolkit for Rally REST API (rally_api)
######################################################################## # # Example: how to query and update Rally projects and # defects using Ruby. # ######################################################################## require 'rally_api' # used to talk to Rally require 'active_support/all' # used for math calls like 15.minutes ago # setup config headers headers = = "Rally Ruby test" headers.vendor = "Your Company" headers.version = "1.0" # setup config info config = {:base_url => ""} config[:username] = "" # enter your Rally username config[:password] = "yourpassword" # enter your Rally password config[:workspace] = "your workspace" config[:project] = "your project" config[:headers] = headers #from # connect to Rally API @rally = # confirm connection by printing out the user # puts "Connected user: " + @rally.user.to_s() ######################################################################## # # Find recently updated defects in select projects that we care about. # ######################################################################## # setup a couple of arrays for the Rally project IDs and project names we care about projectID_array = projectName_array = # Yes, I'm using hardcoded project numbers. I figure that a project name may change # but the project number won't, so I'm intentionally keying off of the number here. # To find your project number: # go to and select the "Project" # link on the left. Find for your project by entering # (Name contains "some string in your project's name") in the Query String # textbox and click Query button. The response will contain an URL # with the project number you are looking for. Use that number below. # Add project numbers that you are interested in searching to the projectID array. projectID_array << 1234567890 # "acme project" projectID_array << 2345678901 # "widget project" # continue to add additional project numbers # retrieve project names that we care about and store then into a project name array. # we'll use the project names later when checking for defects we care about. projectID_array.each do |projID| # find the project name corresponding to the project's ID. # If found, fetch the project "Name" projects = @rally.find({:type => :project, :query_string => "(ObjectID = " + projID.to_s() + ")", :fetch => "Name"})) # add it to the name array if we got something back from our query if projects.total_result_count > 0 projectName_array << projects.first.Name end end # check for defects updated within the last "N" minutes last_check_time = 15.minutes.ago # outside of Rails, uses "active_support/all" requirement defined at top #puts "\nLast updated: " + last_check_time.in_time_zone("Pacific Time (US & Canada)").to_s() # adjust for your timezone #puts "\nLast updated: " + last_check_time.utc.to_s() # get all defects since last check time. Retrieve the last update date, the defect ID, # the defect name, and it's project. results = @rally.find do |q| q.type = "defect" q.query_string = "(LastUpdateDate > " + last_check_time.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") + ")" q.fetch = "LastUpdateDate,FormattedID,Name,Project" end # loop thru all defects. print last update date, ID, and name. Also check # if defect is part of a project we care about. puts "\ntotal_result_count: %d" % results.total_result_count results.each do |defect| # if the defect is in a project that we care about, print YES & defect info if projectName_array.include? defect.Project.Name puts "YES: " + defect.Project.Name puts defect.LastUpdateDate + ": " + defect.FormattedID + " - " + defect.Name + "\n\n" # otherwise print NO & defect info else puts "NO : " + defect.Project.Name puts defect.LastUpdateDate + ": " + defect.FormattedID + " - " + defect.Name + "\n\n" end end ######################################################################## # # Find a specific defect and update some information in it. # ######################################################################## # fetch a specific defect results = @rally.find({:type => :defect, :query_string => "(FormattedID = DE1234)", :fetch => "FormattedID,Name,Notes"})) defect = results.first # print defect info puts defect.FormattedID + " - " + defect.Name puts "Original notes: \n" + defect.Notes # create a timestamp and message to add to the defect's notes time_now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") msg = (defect.Notes.nil? ? "" : "<br\>") + time_now + ": defect updated." # create a hash of defect fields to update. then call @rally.update to update it. fields = {} fields["Notes"] = defect.Notes + msg updated_defect = @rally.update(:defect, "FormattedID|" + defect.FormattedID, fields) #by FormattedID # print updated notes puts "New notes: \n" + updated_defect.Notes